Write for Your Audience

Write for Your Audience

When I write a blog post or article I try to concentrate on my subject, to figure out what my audience might want to read and research all the necessary parameters concerning my subject and the objectives I want to focus on. But writing for a blog, on purpose, is quite different in style and in context, from writing in general. More so when you have to deal with business writing! In business writing, you write to reach some specific objectives and your audience and how to serve them best must comes first!

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Underlying Disciplines for a Startup

Underlying Disciplines for a Startup

To startup, a new idea, approach at a business level is not always easy. Ideas are not the only resource you need and, resources are, indeed, scarce! To be the person can verify and develop an idea to business it needs a lot of work. It needs a lot of work with yourself and your, wannabe, business, a solid strategy and several more skills, competencies, and disciplines you need to employ to have a winning chance!

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